Thursday, June 12, 2008

Iron Too Low But Hemoglobin Is Normal

Ciao, Dino!

June 7, 2008, news broke that steep Dino Risi , the maestro of Italian comedy was giving up the ghost in Rome at the age of 91 years! Dino the beautiful, classy and charming, the archetype of filmmaker who could deal with tragic subjects with a lightness throughout Italy, the trans Lubitsch, who has certainly never had the prestige a Visconti or Antonioni, has gone to join his favorite actor entertainers paradise! For the name of Vittorio Gassman , disappeared 8 years earlier, remains inextricably tied to the director at the leonine mane! Monsters Of
where Risi portrays fiercely, already, the future homo Consumers , more attached to his television to his wife, Fanfaron , with the duo Gassman / / Trintignant , developer of Italy of the 60s, which was transformed into the wake of the famous Lancia Aurelia , Dino became witness to the evolution of Italy's post-war period. This frenzied
shootings, which turned faster than his shadow, hedonistic pleasure seeker, who made the 400 shots with beautiful Vittorio , continued in the satire, by removing the weaknesses of his fellows, while becoming more serious and melancholy in the beautiful Scent of a Woman, where he was filming the forfeiture of a handsome man who became blind or ambiguous relations between a "tycoon ", played by a Gassman bully, and his son, sucked by the ultra-left of the years of lead!
Behind the apparent lightness of his films, Risi as Lubitsch, could show fierce! His March on Rome , picaresque ballad about a band of broken arms, cowards, grotesque buffoons who has strayed by greed and stupidity, fascism in a ridiculous, openly inspired To be or not To Be , opus lubitschien who mocked the Nazis, macabre nonsense mediated by Benet sadly crazy! I loved this distance
Killarity this farcical style that characterized the films of the Italian in contrast to the sometimes pompous seriousness of Antonioni or ostentation viscontien. Two of his last films sum up the double dimension risienne. Phantom Love , one of the last feature film Romy Schneider , melancholy variation on the mad love and war with Coluche, pure moment of madness which recalled his comedies of the 60s!
I will, of this great filmmaker, this interview disillusioned in the Bonus DVD of Fanfaron where Risi, close to 90 years, spoke with sensitivity and melancholy Vittorio Gassman , his friend always, now disappeared. The maestro was so poignant phrase:
" I managed my life, but missed my death! "

Ciao, Maestro !
I can not help an extract from the ironing Hector, one of my favorite movies!