Thursday, September 30, 2010

Community Recommendation Letter

Oil on canvas. 80x60 cm

Sunday, September 26, 2010


A terrible loss

Christopher Nemeth died Sept. 22 of lung cancer.
You do not know but maybe not this English gentleman had brought incredible things to men's fashion. It's really a very sad news for me.
I send my thoughts to his wife and two daughters but also to his former apprentices (founders of The Chelsea and The Gabriel Nine Heads).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Best 0.22 Rifle Telescope

"Eric Courthès, Biograph de l'Explorateur Aimé Bonpland, il lui rend hommage dans un premier roman", par E. Cuneo, Les Nouvelles, Papeete, 20 / 9.10

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Monday September 20, 2010 Looking
Historic Route rescue Humboldt and Bonpland
Everyone knows, but very few know its historical value. The gorge is part of that Chacaíto way to go Humboldt and Bonpland in 1799, a scientific expedition with 18 men who sought to know the vegetation that hid this huge mountain of Caracas.

Today, after 211 years, the route remains open to lovers of nature, but several users lamented the deterioration brought about by lack of vigilance in the area.

"The stream of Chacaíto is to become the water reserve Galipán who drink the water at the source of Lagunazo. Moreover, this route has a plant fire, 25 feet of grass areas. Three km route that connects which runs from Chacaíto San Bernardino and linking access to Matamoros, newsprint, The Humboldt, Los Pinos, the Mint and Lomas Lomas del Viento. Recovered to become the area, could easily serve for walking, for exercise and work off Sabas Nieves path, "said Richard Delgado, Palma de Chacao and recovery project.
According to Silva, a member of Botanical Garden Foundation deterioration of the area is perceived to make the journey alone.

"There is presence of people on the street, several points in the area are used for Santeria practices and religious rituals, we know because we have found animals dead in boxes and bags on the banks of the creek, which pollutes the water fall broadly. Now we have seen that this zone is being used to go to bathe the dogs, "said Silva.

The project promoted by green organizations was delivered in 2006 to PDVSA Hidrocapital Inparques and National Guard, but was still expected joint action .

Posted by Selvatico at 8:48:00 PM

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In this interview we meet the man behind "Letters Paraguayas", the Guaraní Portal collecting literary and historical materials of our country. Passionate about everything he does, Eduardo Pratt is becoming an indispensable figure for those who wish to advertise his art to the readers of Paraguay and the English-speaking countries.

"I was born in 1968 in Asunción. I attended primary and secondary studies at the Colegio San José, the university students until the third year at the Catholic University of Our Lady of the Assumption. I was president of the Student Center for two periods, general coordinator of 4 University Games, administrative manager of the club Olimpia and Sol de America Asuncion, administrative secretary of the Copa America Paraguay 1999. Currently, I serve as director of web space "she says.

1 - How did the idea of a gigantic Portal for "The Paraguayan Free?

In 2008, I initiated a project to build a website for the sale of works of art, books and sundries, but Paraguayan origin. Soon transformed the original idea of a more comprehensive and encompassing (but not profitable in the short or medium term), initially for the dissemination of visual arts, that is, created a space where the original idea was to add biographical data , reviews and works of artists included in the Dictionary of Visual Arts, Mr. Lisandro Cardozo. Augment the data with Titius works Escobar, Olga Blinder, Josefina Plá, Vicky Torres, Livio Abramo, Osvaldo Gonzalez Real People and the Catalogue of Art-Production 90.

The purpose was the dissemination of culture: well, another key element was missing: the lyrics, so I created another gallery named 'LETRAS PARAGUAY', used for the same book Paraguaya Anthology of Literature by Teresa Méndez-Faith; I complement the gallery with R. Carlos materials Centurion, Juan Sinforiano Buzó, Francisco Pérez-Maricevich, Victor Suárez, Susy Delgado, Raúl Amaral, Miguel Angel Fernández, Mario Halley Mora, Rudi Torga, Pedro Encina Ramos, Carlos Villagra Marsal, Victor Daniel Toral, Luis María Martínez. For composers and musicians section I relied on the Dictionary of Music and Paraguay, by Luis Szarán, and the works of the Florentine master Giménez.

In two years I have used as a reference more than 1,000 books and 2,000 documents, including essays, music and lyrics by Paraguayan songs, speeches and lectures that highlight the work of more than 1,150 representatives of our written culture.

in the Arts, mentions the work of more than 450 Paraguayan artists with a record over 10,000 works.

3 - What is, in short?

A comprehensive database where both the national and international public can find details of artists, writers, composers, numismatics (coins and notes), postage, reports on museums, cultural centers and art galleries.

I must stress that the public does not have any restrictions on access to any information, do not have to pay anything or register.

The portal itself has no word, no opinion for or against anyone, has no political or religious ideology, nor is the largest nor the smallest. Its goal is to become a working tool and what highlighting it is to convey information to the source of information.

4 - What forms part of the portal? The spaces are free to authors and Paraguayan artists. For those already included, can contribute to updating the information provided and completing the work and exhibition space for artists or published materials. You can also include previously unpublished texts.

Ideally keep the base from first to last activity of the artist / author.

artists are not yet to approach the office the necessary materials to build your space. For lovers

art or literature, the doors are open to any collaboration with materials, images, ideas and suggestions.

5 - Is there a space for our intangible heritage, the Guarani language?

The Guaraní language is an important part of what the Paraguayan is a component of his life, his pride and conveys a sensible way of being and living.

We must not lose, and their importance to global and local language is now an undeniable reality.

Al gram, the portal now contains slightly more than 1,000,000 words in Guarani, including documents, poems, stories, and drama which included works Manuel Ortiz Guerrero, Emiliano R. Fernández, Rudi Torga, Felix Fernandez, Julio Correa, Lino Trinidad Sanabria, Guarania Felix, Susy Delgado, Meza Michelangelo and many more.

6 - Digital Editions can be found in
As for your question, YES, you can access more than 300 books by authors who are mentioned in the space of the author but linked to the Library, "Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes", "Paraguay's Virtual Library" and "Augusto Roa Bastos Virtual Library of the Centro Cultural El Cabildo. 6 - What else would like to add?
much, but the bottom line is that through this medium to invite all artists and authors referred to participate in a Paraguayan project that eventually will not have anything to envy of any global page. It seems OF PARAGUAY TO THE WORLD.
September 18, 2010 22:47

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Contacts: The readers think College High School in Eleanor d'Aquitaine le Château d'Oléron and Merleau Ponty Liceo de Rochefort-sur-Mer and removed the school in 1978.
After enjoying all the good mood of the eighties, going backpacking in Latin America and held several odd jobs such as teacher, realtor, insurance agent or auxiliary employee of the Post, at 28 decided to undertake a university degree in English at the University of Paris X Nanterre. In 92 he took his degree in 93 CAPES (Certificate of Aptitude for Secondary Teaching), the Masters and the "Agrégation" (Competition to Chair) at 94, and finally an ethnolinguistic PhD under the direction of Bernard Darbord in 1998. From 1994 to 1996, he taught linguistics and translation, assistant professor at the University of Paris X Nanterre.
was married twenty years with an Argentina, San Miguel de Tucumán, (with whom he had two children, a girl, Elixène, in 1999 and a son, Nahual in 2004), hence the subject of his thesis, international relations languages between English and Quechua in the neighboring province, Santiago del Estero, which still has over 100 000 bilingual speakers, and language is a stronghold unique in Argentina.
In September 2000, first traveled time to Asuncion, where he met and interviewed Augusto Roa Bastos, following that meeting, from 2003 to 2010, published a long series of articles and essays on the Paraguay and the work of their national genius, for example in 2006, in Editions Le Manuscrit participatory in Paris, "L'insulate paraguayenne." He
conferences or published articles on these topics in several countries, including Paraguay, France, Canada, Argentina, Poland and most recently in Portugal. He has also published in 2007, a translation of Roa Bastos, "Métaphorismes" and another Carolina Orlando, "Mémoires d'Augusto Roa Bastos apocryphas" in April 2010, both in L'Harmattan.
In 2006, he had published his account of his first book of poetry, short stories and drama, "Le livre et autres délivré", La Société des écrivains. In 2007, he decided to start writing his first novel about the browser Rochelle, Amado Bonpland, person from the same province as another of his, "Le voyage sans retour d'Aimé Bonpland, Explorateur Rochelais" which was published by L'Harmattan in Paris, as French in April 2010, and jointly, for Servilibro in Asuncion, and the Secretariat of Culture of Corrientes, northeastern Argentina, in July 2010, entitled "Memories of a dead, the return trip without Amado Bonpland."
also Since 2005, the year of the death of Augusto Roa Bastos, take care of several blogs on this author and his work on the life of Amado Bonpland and other topics of interest such as bilingualism, insularity, acculturation and transtextuality, letting you now have more than one million hits on Google, almost homonyms ...
professor of linguistics also associated Uninorte in Asuncion since 2009 and a researcher affiliated with CRIMICSAL (laboratory specialized in semiotics textual, led by Milagros Ezquerro), La Sorbonne in Paris, since 2006.
takes 17 years teaching in secondary (Despite two successive grades to the functions of professor of English, in 2002 and 2006), as such, has organized four major educational projects, one on Roa Bastos, in Saintes, in 2003, another on the island, Mayotte, in 2007, another on Amado Bonpland, in La Rochelle, in 2009, and finally, a last, in Pirae in Tahiti, on Pierre Loti and Easter Island in 2011.
lived six years in Africa, Mayotte, (1998-2000 and 2003-2007) where he taught English and has started a new residence in Tahiti, in August 2009, where he plans to stay for four years, taking advantage of this new bilingual island and multicultural, to undertake new investigaciones y caminos extra creaciones.
Pirae, Tahiti, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

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" Edward Pratt, Mr. Internet, "ABC COLOR

Brief Biography

Courthès Eric was born in Melun, 24 November 1959, he was the son of a couple of masons, Charles and Frances Courthès , Island of Oleron, Charente-Maritime. He received his secondary education at the College of Eleanor of Aquitaine Chateau d'Oleron and La Chagrinerie School (now Merleau-Ponty) of Rochefort-sur-Mer in July 1978, he obtained a simple pan G3 (today 'hui STG), with honors.
After enjoying the most of the good atmosphere of the 80s in Latin America browsing twice as backpacking and taking on various trades, such as supervisor, trainee insurance agent, real estate negotiator, or postman, he decided to 28 years to begin studying English at the University of Paris X Nanterre. In 1992, he obtained the license, with honors, in 1993, the DEA with the same words and CAPES, he is also eligible for aggregation that year, in 1994, he succeeded in obtaining external aggregation and finally, in 1998, a Ph.D. graduate, of ethnolinguistic, edited by Bernard Darbord, with high honors. He was also a lecturer at Paris X from 1994 to 1996.
He was married 20 years to Argentina, San Miguel de Tucumán in northwestern Argentina, with whom he had two children, a daughter, Elixène, born in 1999, and a boy, Nahual, born in 2004.
Hence the theme of her thesis, which deals with relations between languages Quichua and English in Santiago del Estero, the neighboring province, which has more than 100 000 people and is a bilingual home language unique in Argentina .
In September 2000, he traveled for the first Once in Asuncion, Paraguay's capital, where he met and interviewed Augusto Roa Bastos. Following this meeting, from 2003 to 2010, he published many academic articles and essays on Paraguay (for example, in 2006, published participatory Manuscript, "The insula Paraguay), and the work of his National Engineering and lectured, or published articles on said topics, Paraguay, France, Canada, Argentina, Poland, Canada, and most recently in Portugal. He has also published in 2007, a translation of Roa Bastos, "metaphor" and in April 2010, translation by Carolina Orlando, "apocryphal memoirs Augusto Roa Bastos ", all L'Harmattan.
In 2006, he had already published in French his first collection of short stories and drama," The book and other authority ", at the author, The Company Writers, in 2007, he decided to start writing his first novel, on the explorer La Rochelle, Saintonge original like him, "The journey of no return Aimé Bonpland, explorer La Rochelle," recently published by L'Harmattan, in April 2010. As for the English version, it has been published jointly by Servilibro in Asunción and Subsecretaría de Cultura of Corrientes in northeastern Argentina, in July 2010: "Memorias one muerto, el viaje sin retorno Amado Bonpland. It also manages
since the death of Roa Bastos in 2005, several blogs in tribute to his work, to life Bonpland, and other topics of interest, such as bilingualism, insularity, and transculturation transtextuality, in which he has published numerous articles and passages from his works, which earned him starting today, more than a million entries on Google, almost without disambiguation
... Since 2009, he was also Associate Professor linguistics at Uninorte, Asunción, and research affiliate at the Paris CRIMIC SAL IV Sorbonne (laboratory specialized in textual semiotics, headed by Milagros Ezquerro) since 2006. This is

seventeen years he taught in secondary (despite two successive qualifications to function Lecturer in 2002 and again in 2006), organized as such, four educational projects of importance, a Roa Bastos on at Saintes in 2003, another on an island in M'tsamboro, Mayotte, in 2007, another on Aimé Bonpland, in La Rochelle in 2009, and finally, a last of Pierre Loti and Island Easter, Pirae, Tahiti in 2011.
Mayotte He taught for six years, from 1998 to 2000 and from 2003 to 2007 in 2009, he started a new residence in Tahiti, in high school Aorai of Pirae, where he planned to do three more years, so take advantage of this new island bilingual and multicultural, to undertake new directions in research and creations ...
Pirae, September 12, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blonde Hair With Brown Chunks

" Brief biography of Eric Courthès "

ASOC. Paraguaya
* CARTA * Invitacion







Dayana Urunaga speaking from Asuncion Paraguay Root of Spain
With the album 'KUNA PARAGUAY', Dayana Urunaga in Latin pop rock vocal play retrieves and melodies of a whole generation .... "To make a good album and not have to go to Miami" is the title of the note made by the English journalist living in Asuncion, Paraguay, Javier Perez de Lema, to work in Antena 3 Radio, Cadena Cope Cadena Ser radio and in Spain.

His appearance was a real revolution, a breath of fresh air in the pop rock Paraguay. Recovering youthful, with its chorus in the style of Beatles and Beach Boys. Now, the Guarani singer has embarked on a new album, which falls in love with the sounds of the eighties, mergers with a solid foundation of blues and rock. It's a twist. She remains, however, as one of the top bands of the movement Kuña Rock or Rock Female Paraguay. Dayana

Urunaga, Paraguayan singer who has filed Kana Paraguay "

Javier Perez de Lema Question: Dayana you aware that in some ways changed the landscape of the Paraguayan Pop Rock?

Consciousness was gradually yielding through social networks primarily by the feed-back town, invitations to festivals nationwide benchmark such as what was the opening of the Bicentennial in 2010. Kuña Paraguay has a concept of Rock-Pop Revolution, was inspired by an anonymous hero of the War of the Triple Alliance called Ramona Martinez, the timeless warrior leading Paraguayan women and social and visceral lyricism result of a process of years since the romantic ballad to talk of things "real life" as I always say.

What influenced you most?

My first encounter with music was listening to my dad play the guitar, started playing guitar at 12 years of ear, then writing for internal festivals my school and that started it all, a poet and rock icon named Jim Morrison was my first influence in those years, Joan Manuel Serrat, Joaquín Sabina, John Lennon, said the way "real" music that does not end in applause on stage but with a mission to communicate, the psychedelic rock of Pink Floyd, the strength of Tina Turner and Janis Joplin and our Latin America Pappo street blues, the power of Patricia Sosa, another poet like Fito Paez, among others.

- sacastes Where did that way of singing?

I think that little by little vocal identity is giving in this way to find "your voice" is not enough to want to sing, always take classes and continue weekly with my vocal Couch, Gladys Candia, on the other hand, a vocal diet of years, singing covers of men only when the situation required it and he wanted "my own style." I compose my songs that gave me a tool to stop work on the interpretation and the actress over the years gave me the technique to link emotions with voice.

- What are you listening at home small?

Piero (idol of my Dad), Beatles, Serrat, Sui Generis and others.

- childhood influences when making music?

influences everything from that he can remember, since childhood I believed that art itself is a way to change the world, and living in a third world country everything I saw and still see in my country continue to influence every day. Dayana

Urunaga singing with all his strength in the audience in Asuncion, Paraguay

"Your last album was recorded in this study Didier Parra and music production by Gabriel is high, but as a disc with 2 parts the second part under this moment cultural representative we are living in Paraguay. What was the experience?

experience makes you grow every day, I reinvented, gives you lessons, it helps to prevent future stones, the act of "self management" gives you real lessons of what is to be an artist above and below the stage. On the way I learned to produce, organize events, produce my content, light levels, in order to manage worry about all the details.

- Internet is good or bad?

is "very good" is a big door, I have the experience receiving a message on facebook to be listening to a song of mine in the Middle East during a bombing, that kind of experience gives you the vision of life that the cross over on a smaller scale can be given step by step via social networks, contact with Paraguayans and Latinos across the world has given me great satisfaction and an injection of life that "can" even if you live in a country with so many limitations for music production. Also as a writer and actress could take my content and directors and playwrights Paraguayan worldwide. Dayana

Urunaga published in 2002 his first work, "My Last Song", an exciting proposal pop applauded by the press. Has returned with the EP KUNA PARAGUAY, a job that has had in production with Gabriel Colman ...

luck Dayana Javier Perez de Lema from Asunción PARAGUAY of Spain
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Root Paraguay. Mini guide Koang news! Root
Paraguay. Mini guide Koang news! The news of our land and generate Paraguayan immigrants in Spain, in the magazine that discloses the activity the group of immigrants from Paraguay from Madrid. GENERAL

Dayana line Urunaga speaking from Asuncion R..
With the album 'KUNA PARAGUAY', Dayana Urunaga in Latin pop rock vocal play retrieves and melodies of a whole generation .... "To make a good album and not have to go to Miami" is the title of the note made by the English journalist, resident of Asuncion, Paraguay, Javier Perez de Lema, to work in Antena 3 Radio, Cade .. GENERAL

Luis Gomez is one of our Root Paraguay ..
Luis Gómez was born in our capital, Asuncion. I remember many fans of Paraguayan football career as a footballer. He now lives since May 2006 Alberche Escalona, Toledo, Switzerland with his wife Sara and daughters Melanie, Bianca, and Valerie. GENERAL

Root Paraguay, Spain. Roga Ñande Ra Ever Paraguaype
official Medina Returnees and Refugees Center in Paraguay, reveals a project called "MY COUNTRY MY HOUSE", a program run by the national government for all the constitutional period, meaning through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Senavitat (ex Conavi) and the Centre for Returnees and Refugees. GENERAL

Root Paraguay. And when I go to Assumption ... I prepared ..
Halfway between making the Argentines, only beef and most extensive Brazilian Rodizio, many tourists are commenting on the great barbecue that has eaten in Assumption or other cities and towns in Paraguay, placing them high marks. GENERAL

line Adriana Insaurralde, Paraguayan scholar in Madrid ..
Our countryman, born in Asuncion, assayed an outstanding training: Bachelor of Business Administration in Paraguay MBA (with specialization in Finance) and a specialization in Microfinance in Mexico, a scholarship from the Fundación Carolina, has just completed a Master in International Cooperation and managed .. GENERAL

line Adriana Insaurralde, Paraguayan scholar in Madrid ..
As you know, came to Spain with a scholarship from the Fundación Carolina. Just completed a Masters in International Cooperation and Project Management at the Instituto Ortega y Gasset in Madrid and is back to Asuncion. He has left his views, his piercing gaze and professional to distinguish between the uses, customs and activities of the parag .. GENERAL

Root Paraguay. Tradition. The Luison, capable of str ..
Luison is the seventh and last son of Tau and Keran, on whom fell the greatest curse that hung over their parents. His name alone terrifies. This being creepy is located at the crossroads of life and death.

Since September 2010 the Paraguayan, after repeated requests in this regard, the Consulate will be available for their procedures in Valencia. Take note of the address: Calle Colon, 7, 3 rd floor, office 7. The phone number is 963942366 and have more information in line GENERAL
Communication d. Members Paraguayans. Club Root DENTIST SEARCH # # IMMIGRATION Huelva Huesca






Copernal Publishing Ltd.. . Isaac Peral 2, 2 ª, 28015, Madrid (Spain). Tel: +34 91 543 22 41 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +34 91 543 22 41 end_of_the_skype_highlighting E-Mail: Entered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 19 387, Folio 113, Section 8, Hoja M-340011, with CIF B-83804146. Publi

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" Short biographie Eric d'Courthès "

"Aimé Bonpland Tahiti" le mercredi
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Thursday, September 9, 2010

What Happened To Pattycake Online

" The Supreme Kuñatai, Dayana Urunaga "


seems interesting to start a work of fiction with a series of considerations about death. We know that when the Judeo-Christian West lucid could convalesce and heal the taboo of sex was not to discover that behind was a much bigger puzzle: death, he had founded all the religions of the world, had risen after the ashes of sex. This true "documents mortis" we received in Courthés Eric's book, a biographical novel about Aimé Bonpland, the comprehensive study of life. Say

biographical novel because, although through the text and paratexts, the author constantly change narratee, all the facts about the life of Bonpland are almost obsessively identified, supported and documented. The novel can be read almost alone, just open and stare because Bonpland's life is far from that idea of cabinet wise than we ever imagined .. Someone who knew and tried one on one with Simon Bolivar, José de San Martín, Gaspar France, Pancho Ramirez, Rivadavia, Juan Pujol, Pedro Ferré and Napoleon Bonaparte (among others, and others ...) can not be neutral collector who lives locked in an herbarium. And the adventurous life of the author's passionate character Bonpland, Eric Courthés, which moves the work pieces in a chronological order but starting from a long absent from the witness death, from death itself which, as we all know, the cessation of all time in the darkness and immobility.

From that voice perturbation space (or writing) of Bonpland-character starts questioning who tried to kill post-mortem. Eric Courthés, French, Charente and Bonpland, mixed episodes, characters from other novels, biographical snippets, meetings, dialogues, reflections, and this all makes up the fictional universe of the narrative. While Eric

Courthés chose to narrate plot imaginary life Bonpland, narrative syntax used, the selection of facts, causation and sequence of the same, everything is taken biography of Aimé Bonpland and serve exactly a faithful reading of the life of the wise and at the same time the aesthetic purpose of the work.

Perhaps the most enduring feature of this reading of "The journey of no return Amado Bonpland" crystal is that of the friendship between Bonpland and Alexander von Humboldt in and out of the story, but there is always the background of mutual loyalty between the two scholars , reflecting unequivocal loyalty to themselves, who knows no jealousy and mistrust behind the glory.

The Bonpland conflicting family relationships, from "Les Chauvins to La Malmaison" do not overwhelm the axis of the plot, it becomes exciting, and that the strength of a massacre of Indians Orinoco alternate route to the delicate descriptions of a bud or a flower.

Where is the narrator of the story?, Tempted to ask. A happy combination of memories and testimonies, confessions and conversations, the narrating voice becomes ubiquitous despite the thread of the first person that seems to dominate the play. Another aspect that I do not want to leave out is the enthusiasm of Latin America that Eric gives the character gives the character much as Eric. The description, for example, Martin Garcia Island, which the author visited, displays a whole range of feelings that put us in that time and out of time and space that (like me) know. The failed experience of La Candelaria, the closure in Tevikuary (where the French Gaspar jailed for 10 years) ... the whole novel is built with the charm of an unknown past of a man even more unknown to most. This life full of vicissitudes advances the plot of the play, and it seems like those fatalities of Greek tragedies, in which human will has little room because there is a relentless fate takes precedence over man's vision, as if the unfortunate Latin American history embody a stranger suddenly, such as character and as the author. Bovine Alejandro Maciel

August 9, 2010, National Library
Argentina .