Sunday, December 12, 2010

Emerson Ewf2006 Remote


Sorbonne eroxa_courthes @ hotmail . com
My sister Anala Santoña.
"Chance always repeats his moves. Anyone who wants to circumvent the gambling laws only to memorize. Are the simplest and most complex of the universe. "

A) Guarani and English: orality versus writing

can not be the slightest doubt that the writing of Roa Bastos is totally dual, based on a bilingual language environment: Guarani / English, bipolarity in which the utopia is the native language, for good, and dystopia, the language of the conquerors, as the bad, and which would aporia jopará , a third neutral but not neutral, as it foreshadows the Paraguayan language
morning ... Tales of Thunder among the leaves so clearly show, in fact, among all Roa Bastos' productions are the most bilingual, especially in dialogues in which characters, speaking in English Paraguayan Paraguayan lowly colloquial Guaraní and jopará, leaving the surface in their speeches loans and copies from the native language.

However, this duality is seen not only in language but also in the narrative, in fact, as I showed elsewhere, the narrative art Roa between duality and unity, in addition to many other combinations transtextual, we will study later. In myths
also returns to appear that rich dichotomy, for example in the story "The living tomb," in which the daughter of a landowning farmer, Alicia Morel, disappears, kidnapped by the Yasy-Yateré and reappear fifteen years then made a bone that seems to stick, medium mineral and plant environment in the cup a guapo'y. The field
Guarani, of orality, that monster emerge and the tree, they have the dual distinction of being the Yasy-Yateré their feet turned, that leave no obvious traces "the soft soil of the plantations, and are elusive, like the Pyta-Yovai, double check, or some ethnic groups in the Chaco, as Ayoreos whose members have heel and toe sandals square because it is impossible to find where they went to Mt.
But the interesting thing in the aforementioned example of "living tomb", is the investment and resemantization the usual good-bad axis, English or Guarani. In fact, it Yasy-Yateré a monster, however, while Morel is the daughter of a victim, such a pain in the absence of his daughter to a father can only symbolize the harsh punishment of the author to his symbolic character landowner, who spent a lifetime denying the most basic rights as their pawns and comes to embody the image of evil in this story.

B) Life and death

As we have seen, life and death are also an important dichotomy in the work of Roa, life-death guapo'yy of Alicia Morel, life-death Dictator France in I the Supreme, the life-death of the boy narrator of "Fight till dawn" of Nonato also examples abound that demonstrate the nature solemnity of the prose of Roa.
about the stories of the thunder in the leaves where life and death are two parallel universes and linked, for example in "Old Bishop", with that literary representation of the true author's uncle, who died very much alive not only rebelled against landlordism creating a newspaper but was also the bishop of the poor, who came to his house for dinner once a week. On the last evening, the rebel priest is not satisfied with his death and comes back for dinner ...
In "Thunder ..." of course, with that union survivor Solano Rojas, who goes blind from prison and that is a living-dead "sees everything", p. 183 and whose voices are talking about "living and the dead", p. 180. One dead, alive is a great character that "keeps watch from death", p. 184 and whose soul survives on his accordion-sounding by the river, "when there is no moon", p. 161 - and that as a Charon, passed the living from one bank to another in Tevikuary, River if there are ghosts in the work of Roa.
also note that rich life-death dichotomy in "Skeletons on horseback", p. 180, the fearsome army pattern wit, Harry Way, which will make repressors of the strike, and make us think about the laborers' living tomb "seen as" copper spectra ", p. 155, or in some spectral characters so the Uruguayan Horacio Quiroga also, in his Tales of the jungle. It is also noted in this story, the textual resurrection of Gretchen P. 182, pp. 183-184, the central character of "Carpincheros", which she dazzled and Carpincheros kidnapped by an entity becomes mythological Yasy Morotí, the White Moon, Queen of the hair bathed in moon "water gypsies, p. 181, which heads the fire of wit with them, next to Solano forever love her and whose accordion will ringing for her, forever, in the passage of the river that bears his name ...

C) Childhood and innocence versus maturity and culpability:

many characters are children in the work of Roa and are often life or death from death to life, as the canoe Solano-Charon passed from one bank to another river and takes us as readers to a third bank, a further aporia in the work of Roa ...
As we have seen, the Gretchen Carpincheros is exemplary in this regard, the Roma are downstream water and reappears which divinity Guarani, Luna Blanca, in the penultimate eponymous story: The thunder in the leaves.
same thing happens with lollipop but in reverse, in fact, with the cudgel that gives her mother in the head at the end of the story, it is not known if left alive or not, the rogue of the mill, to make him believe his mother, who had swallowed the mill arm when he had hidden in her shirt ...
Death is the theme of the work, in fact, we go from Old Bishop Aldama the thymus in "The eye of death", the same character goes to following story: "Mano cruel" in the guise of Gauto Clench and his career does not end there but in "The supplication" near the end of the book, since Poilu, the character of another story, is his son.
Like Lollipop, Poilu is a child's character, whose innocence competes fiercely with his mischief, and whose untimely death is written input on their behavior "little beast" who eats dirt and larvae in the banana plantation. As a child, dare to be the only friend of Philip Tavy, the crazy old people, in times of drought, and at the end of the story is thrown into the river in search of the "flower-Morotí Yasy" because the old man had said that when it springs from the river bed, end the drought. Blaming
the old, the villagers stoned and killed him execution coincides with the return of rain.
Finally, death-birth dichotomies, child-adult, innocence, guilt, always go together in the work of Roa, in this respect, the most striking and perhaps the archetypal incredible character-narrator-author Miguel Vera, in the Son of man.
In other stories the book before us, these issues reappear as main founders, is the case with "Homecoming", "gallops into two halves," "The Karugu." Adolescents or children in this work, to be confronted with great danger, sexual or very often supernatural, or direct confrontation with death, this is the case of Amelia, the daughter of the Doctor, in "Those faces dark "by Poilu, in" The supplication " or Alicia Morel, in "living grave" are a tragic fate, which could well reflect the immense frustration of the Paraguayan people, whose youth was constantly thwarted by wars and dictatorships throughout history ...

D) Exploited operators:

The old bishop and especially Solano Rojas, are the most outstanding characters in the play, by his willingness to break the pattern of social dominance and labor force in Paraguay at that time. They are humble but incorruptible representatives of the poor, the defeated, of the dominated and exploited, are beggars or laborers. Indeed, "the leader of the strike, which came out blind prison, never give up and as we have seen, his soul in torment still ringing in his accordion, beyond death.
In contrast, "The tomb alive," Fulvio Morel and his father, "The Karaí Roga, are the archetypes of the exploiters, indifferent to the suffering of others, that of the" ghosts copper "whose children disappear, kidnapped by the Yasy Yateré . Or own mammy of the landowner is saved from being beaten when the feudal Monster learns that her daughter also disappeared, Alicia. Fulvio or sister, you deserve in your heart of fierce young apprentice of inhuman monster, some consideration, he advised Alice to go to face the monster hairy hunchbacked ....
In "Thunder ..." Monsters are not lacking, even more inhuman than himself Yasy Yater, which exist, it would not error and perversion of nature ...
For example, Simon Bonavia, the potbellied dwarf, which has masturbatory whiff of snuff from his balls, also their bosses henchmen, Germany and the mulatto, Eulogio Penayo appointed government commissioner for good services of slave laborers.
In this world ruled by corruption and the power of the rifles and whips, just unhook carpincheros scheme is exploited exploiter, the gypsies of the water are free, incorruptible. Hence also his incredible self intertextuality, the beginning of the book Gretchen abduct a child and come back with her, to free burning Solano Rojas and wit to finish.
have their own world, on the banks of rivers and mountains inside, again cyclically, as Roa's account for the Noche de San Juan, but twice burst into the real world to get Gretchen to her family and give him more dreaming, live like them. And above all, to end the enslavement of laborers, their women raped, "smoking their blood," one hundred and ten guachazos receiving poor Solano punishment, open and close the cycles of history and stories are, without doubt the motor and social narrative that precious storybook opening Roa. As the meteorite
writing in I the Supreme, to be the mill that the poor laborers crawl like beasts of burden from the station to the mill, not only symbolize the two great masses of the oppressed slavery but are both mythemes time of his work and they are covering algotextos participating again endotextualidad incredible.
capanga After the assassination of mulatto, Eulogio Penayo, (it is assumed that women very horny German director of the factory, Max Forkel), and its dismissal succeeds another owner, a kind of Yankee cowboy, Harry Way flanked by four Bullies very harrowing and of course the employees have gone from bad to worse.
It also recall the conditions under which they work, do not charge real money to buy bonds but high prices seeds, tools and food, which only served in the store room. Never spared his debt to the system that binds them forever to the feud.
So the cycle of evil has no end and can not finish it in the fire of the instrument of oppression: the wit, the imprisonment of montoneros and finally, the fall of the old river Solano blind .... Obey
course the tragic events of the pressure on men to change their fate but also "Terrible mystery of chance." In fact, (and this idea appears twice strong "living tomb", framing the story in the first and last page), everything is the default, an enigmatic force governs it all, beyond the logic and ...
human will, of course, to run into the latter category, rub with the notion of God but still I (and I think that was the case of Mr. Roa despite the apparent religiosity of his work), an agnostic, I think more worth mentioning the marvelous Don Augusto text instead of entering the knowledge-lying sand ...

"In the tough and secret paths that ascend from lead to gold, or degenerate from rain until the mud, virtue, corruption, punishment of guilt, indifference to despair, every moment, even the most seemingly trivial, should be prefixed .

"And his blue eyes of a child [Alicia's] continued on into the blue bells, when his body had fascinated angelic wedding and the monster was nothing more than his little skeleton slowly rising toward the light shroud Cardinal drop of fire had to vindicate fifteen years later, to the secret reason for a preset mutations, to the crazed eyes of his brother. "


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