Ferdydurke" Witold Gombrovicz

Witold Gombrowicz - English Version Novels Work of Witold Gombrowicz



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seen Ferdydurke: presentation

"Perseguidme if you want! Fled with my image in his hands. "


first novel by Witold Gombrowicz is his seminal work, considered a classic of the twentieth century.

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Górowski Mieczysław poster.

My writing is based on traditional models. In a sense, "Ferdydurke" is a philosophical tale parody of Voltaire style.
Testament. Conversations with Dominique de Roux was born Ferdydurke


qu and Witold Gombrowicz netted reading some criticism of his first Memoirs of the time of immaturity, which sought to "immature." In its first reaction, Gombrowicz wanted to write a pamphlet against critics and "cultural aunts." But his own theme
him to make a general reckoning with the culture and the world. And he became "the singer of the immaturity and Form, at least in its relationship with immaturity."
"[...] The man [...] depends on the self-image that forms in the soul of others, even if that soul is idiotic."

In Ferdydurke meet for the first time the issues that form the heart of the work of Witold Gombrowicz as: Immaturity, inferiority / superiority or form. Certain
Ferdydurke expressions and neologisms have passed into everyday language in Poland: "ass" and "fascist", "violation by the ears", "jam" or "cultural aunts" have acquired a particular meaning and function as references in the language Polish.

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Walkuski Wiesław poster for the third Gombrowicz Festival in Radom, Poland, 1997.

How do you describe that person ferdydúrquica? Created by the way, is created from outside, which is to say that it is inauthentic, deformed. Being a person is equivalent to never be yourself.
And also, the person is a continuous production of the form secreted as indefatigably as bees secrete honey. Witold Gombrowicz
Preface to the French edition of Pornography, 1962. Reproduced in the English edition of 2002.

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Elvieri Vladimiro drawing.

Ferdydurke, first published in October 1937 in Warsaw, Roj editions, has a 1938 imprint. The cover design and illustrations of this first edition, belongs to Bruno Schulz, an ardent defender of the book and noted author of Cinnamon Shops.
The novel includes two "interludes" written and published later: Filifor lined lined Filimore child and child. Witold Gombrowicz
also included them as separate stories in Bakakaï in 1957.

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Bruno Schulz, self-portrait. The two drawings for the first edition of "Ferdydurke." Ferdydurke

not appeared in Poland, but twenty years later, in 1957, during a temporary liberalization of the communist regime.
was such a success, it sold over 10,000 copies, which was again banned the following year.
remained banned until 1986, when it was reissued in editions Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow.
In 1990, Ferdydurke, considered a classic of Polish prose, entered the school program with required reading.

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Ferdydurke "in English in the" Library Gombrowicz, Seix Barral edition with a preface by Ernesto Sabato. Drawing by Roland Topor.

In 1947, Ferdydurke was translated into English (the first foreign translation) was published by Editorial Argos, Buenos Aires.
This translation was done under sometimes burlesque, the Rex Café Buenos Aires, with a group of young colleagues of chess, no dictionary Polish-English, Witold Gombrowicz himself and on the staff of two Cuban writers, Virgilio Piñera and Humberto Rodríguez Tomeu.

"It was a face that had become a fascist but a facade that never reached the dignity of his face, that was a facade and a leg!" Witold Gombrowicz

was inspired by this version English to French translation he made himself with Roland Martin, a young Frenchman of Buenos Aires. Signed with the pseudonym Bron (Julliard, 1958, "Les Lettres nouvelles"). According to the author, many other translations were based on it.

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Sedira Georges French Translation Editions Christian Bourgois, Józef Czapski box. Korean translation Minmusa editions, illustrated with a picture of Balthus.

The second French translation by Georges Sedira, based on the Polish edition of 1957, first published in 1973. Polish editions

+ + + Accommodations
foreign editions

In fact, reading can be indigestible to those that give some importance to him, to his convictions and beliefs, ie a painter "believer" to a scientist "believer" ideologue or a "believer." Western readers Ferdydurke are divided into: a) frivolous, looking for fun without worrying about something else, b) problems c) serious and offended.
Testament. Conversations with Dominique de Roux.

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One of the many Polish edition, Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2004. With the analysis of teachers Jarzębski and Andrzej Jerzy Zawadzki.

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